BLOG KEYWORDS: Multi-robot system, Multi-agent architecture, Microcontroller programming, Sensor data fusion, Feedback control, mobile robotics, Centralized/Decentralized wireless communication, BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention), MA3-LM (Multi-Agent Assignment Algorithem Local Mediation), A-QoS (Application Quality-of-Service), Embedded-robot technology.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Multi-robot or Multi-agent

There are many papers/theses/journals I have read through come across the terms either “Multi-robot system” or “Multi-agent system” or both. Here, I want to do a parallel comparison of the two to make the terms clearer to me.

From above comparison we can see that “Multi-robot system” is mainly referred as the practical term, commonly used in robotics field; and the “Multi-agent system” is mainly referred as theoretical term, commonly used in computer science field.

· Wikipedia, 2007, Multi-agent system
· YANG E.F. AND GU D.B., 2004, Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Robot Systems: A Survey
· CLARK, C.M., 2004, Dynamic robot networks: a coordination platform for multi-robot system
· ARAI T., PAGELLO E., PARKER L. E., 2002, Editorial: Advances in Multi-Robot Systems


Micro Struct said...

agent is a general term and each robot (with computing power onboard) is an agent in our project. However, note that in general, the research problems in multi-robot systems do not necessary formulated as those in multi-agent problem. There are other issues like formation control, localization etc.
--Prof Cheah

Micro Struct said...

"Agent" is a more general term - it can refer to a software or hardware operated entity, with attributes summarized as "flexible autonomopus actions". A robot can be defined as an embodied agent [i.e., it has a physical body] - and so there are issues in a robotic agent that are absent in a software agent.
--Dr. Seow
